My Spiritual Awakening Experience

Sharing my spiritual awakening experience with a hope that it’ll help someone in need of answers. I share certain paranormal events that profoundly affected me in a good way.

Dr. Rio Kashyap

3/3/201913 min read

Watch me talk about my Spiritual Awakening experience or read my blog post below!

Today, I’m going to share my spiritual awakening experience till now with a hope that it’ll help someone in need of answers. Please read with an open mind because some things might not click with your logical mind. I was also a non-believer until I went through the spiritual awakening process myself. 

Arcane stuff is not something to measure, it is something to experience. Our instruments are only limited to measuring parameters of this dimension. Science is progressing slowly to be able to measure or observe the subtle energy.

People do it without any machine but with their minds. Our mind has powers that surpass our imagination. Whenever I think about this, I get reminded of the WisePea repeating this quote from Dumbledore:

Dumbledore’s quote from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Every time I challenged the Universe, it has shown me its power. I had no idea what it was even though I used to get glimpses of the other dimensions every now and then during my early years of this life. Though I always knew intuitively, who I was and the nature of my existence, but I could never accept it, because I am trained to think logically and "scientifically". Who knows, this article might be one of your first steps towards YOUR awakening. The very fact that you’re reading this article right now, means you’re on the path to find your purpose. Trust me, when you finally arrive, you will know that this is the most logical thing of all.

How did I experience an awakening?

At that time, I thought it just happened spontaneously. But today, I can surely think of a few things that might have contributed to this. At an age when children play with dolls, I used to stare into the vast nothingness of the universe at night, wondering about the existential questions I had. During hours of sitting silently, I used to rearrange my thoughts and visualize a few things (which used to turn out EXACTLY as I visualized them). This was a must-do everyday activity for me. Since it played out exactly as I imagined, most of the times, I was always looking for opportunities to test this thing. I don’t know whether my visualizations materialized the reality or the other way around. As an adult, I note that it was easier to manifest stuff and situations as a child than now.

I listen to the hum of the universe almost all the time. Different places seem to have a different frequency. There’s an innate ringing inside our ears due to the fluids and the cells. This may/may not be separate from it. This changes according to places. I meditated on this sound every now and then for 25 years of my life, without realizing its power, without knowing that one day, it’s all going to pay off.

I’m glad that I learned THE truth so early in my life. I was struggling to find answers and I was anxious to think that I would have to spend the rest of my life finding them which was so important to me, for some reason. Perhaps the seeker in me was restless and wanted to jump out at the slightest opportunity. And boy! I’m so filled with joy that she finally did! Intuitively, I knew that the 26th year of my life is going to be special. Although this is far from an actual “enlightenment” if you come to know who you are and what the purpose of your life is, I think it’s nothing short of it. Spiritual awakening is a big event for someone’s life. It changed my life forever and of those around me.

To some, an awakening happens after years of practice but for others, it might hit spontaneously without much effort. Those people have already done the work in their previous lifetimes and are born to take their incomplete work forward. A few are already higher beings born on Earth to help humanity. How did I actually stumble upon this awakening experience? What happened after it? I’ll try my best to explain it in as much detail possible.

Over The Years, I Had Been Practicing A Few Things But Not For The Purpose Of Awakening. I Did So To Lead A Conscious Life. They Were As Follows:
  • Meditation:

I didn’t know that I had been meditating for all these years. I was a hard-core introvert who preferred to stay in her room on her bed, doing nothing. When I had the motivation, I used to paint or draw for hours on end which was an even more profound meditative activity. After hours of painting or drawing without break, I would step back and would not believe it was me who did it. How am I capable of making such artworks without any training? And not realize how many hours had passed?

A drawing I made one evening in 2014:

Drawing of wise pea with a Harry Potter quote
Drawing of wise pea with a Harry Potter quote
  • Listening To Brainwave Entertainment:

I didn’t believe in it but I refute things only after testing them for myself. I knew a few people who benefitted from listening to binaural waves and I just thought about trying it. So I started listening to a playlist while sleeping, for attracting love, memory retention, reducing anxiety and peaceful sleep. Things started to happen after around 6 months of listening. I can’t say if brainwaves helped in these particular areas of my life but what they surely did was open my crown chakra and download a lot of universal information. 

It went to a point that I felt like my brain would burst with the amount of knowledge it was getting from nowhere. One morning, I suddenly knew 3-4 of my past lives. Deep spiritual knowledge was now being relayed to me and I felt the urge to write it all down. My mind felt numb with the overload for 2 months before I had to stop listening to the playlist to get back to my normal self. So, I would say they do work but not necessarily in the ways we want. I was only thinking of materialistic gains until it opened my mind to so much more. Whether you want to try brainwaves or not, you must decide for yourself.

  • Reading:

I love reading. I have been reading books outside of my school syllabus since forever. I had this background of knowledge to get me started on the spiritual path. My love for knowledge can almost be called an obsessive hunger. However, I only took it as “knowledge”, I didn’t really believe in it until I experienced it. Because of all the reading, I knew if any particular thing had an explanation and I always knew where to look for it.

  • Love And Kindness:

I never intentionally treated anyone with disrespect, no matter if the person was below or above me. I might have hurt a few living beings on the way and I am aware of some. I learned from those mistakes and chose to never repeat them again. I’m a constant learner. I love selflessly but this also doesn’t mean that I’ll allow someone to abuse my kindness. I love others, but I love myself first, I take care that I’m not hurt in the process of giving selflessly.

  • Helping others:

Having a healer’s aura attracts those in need. I always attracted a lot of people in need of my natural counseling abilities. Even before I became a Reiki Healer, I had counseled a lot of people out of depression. I always tried to be of maximum help without any kind of judgment.

  • Loving myself:

I cannot stress enough on this point. I have discussed this in length in my earlier blog post – Discover your true self. Not just loving but forgiving yourself is equally important. Loving yourself increases your energy to such a high point, you’ll notice the best things coming to you.

  • Gratitude:

Again, all of these things are covered under the conscious co-creation principles. Every week, I posted a list of things I’m grateful for, on my personal twitter handle. I did it with a grateful feeling not just a mere act of tweeting. I repeated my gratitude statements every morning and before going to bed. A few days later, I could already see the difference. The following two months were one of the best months of my life when I was not only excelling at my college but was also getting recognized as an artist and a Bookfairy. I met amazing like-minded people, often got published in newspapers, and also got featured in a documentary. My mental and physical health was on top. All of this manifested within 2 months of diligent gratitude practice. Here are some of my tweets from that time:

realistic drawing of earphones
realistic drawing of earphones
a group of people standing around a pool
a group of people standing around a pool

Friends for a lifetime and beyond..

Attending this workshop was the turning point of my life. I saw the same past lives I had seen before but this time it was accompanied by catharsis, i.e. the release of stress associated with bad memories from the past. I cried over the feelings of loneliness which was the background of my present life as well. When I was guided to my death by my therapist, I felt intense burning and sweated like anything.

I struggled with anxiety and social interaction before. I hardly ever experienced it after this session. Though anxiety related to social interaction still needed work and it was mended, a year later, with Reiki.

The energy of the group sessions gave me some wonderful spiritual experiences. After the cornerstone session of our group, when I returned back to my room, I sensed a positive presence around me. I couldn’t see them but could definitely hear and feel them. This was the first time I was feeling such a strong presence. That night, my husband (then-friend) was in a crisis situation on a train from Jhansi to Delhi. I prayed to the positive presence to help him. Within a minute, I got a message from him telling me that a man had come to help him. I was so relieved and thankful to whoever it was who listened and answered my prayer.

When I returned to Delhi, I had a heightened sense of clairvoyance. I was astounded by the number of stray souls just lurking all around us. We don’t even acknowledge this fact because we can’t see or feel them!

In another incident, I was in distress so I prayed to Daddy before sleep, to show me somehow that he was looking after me and listening to my prayers. That night, I had a dream about him where he was very cheerful and wearing unusually bright clothes and was talking about his senior citizens’ council elections. His usual self but a little too extra. In the dream itself, I was in awe of his spirit and wondered if I was seeing this due to the prayer I sent before sleeping.

But before I could wake up with doubt, I was woken up by a phone call.

The screen read, “Daddy calling”.

I was stunned. Once again, I was stunned by the workings of the universe. I answered the call, it was my grandmother who had called by mistake, that too from Daddy’s number. Did he make her call me from his number to confirm that he listens to me?

I think his spirit has a major influence over me. My life turned around after he crossed over. All the questions which troubled me during the whole of my childhood were suddenly answered. Today, I find myself gathering the same knowledge that Daddy used to study after his retirement such as Astrology, different healing arts including Reiki, Sujok and Acupressure. I am honored to take his legacy forward and be of service to everyone who needs healing through me.

I took so long to write this article because I was afraid to share my experiences with the world. But then I remembered Dr. Brian Weiss. He had waited 8 years to come out with this past life regression experiences. Only after he did, he was able to take his work to new heights and share its benefits of healing with all of us.

Multiple Dimensions, Multiple Lives, Multiple Bodies But One Undying Soul.

This Reminds My Potterhead Of This Quote:

“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” – HPATSS

Suggested: My Lemurian Past Life: A spontaneous regression experience.

Want me to guide you on your Spiritual journey? Book your consultation below:

This Is All That Happened In The Physical Realm. What About My Spiritual Journey?
  • April 2016:

I had forgotten about my vague psychic abilities because I didn’t encounter anything for a long time since childhood. But it all started again, when one night, I saw my grandfather (whom I called "Daddy") in spirit form in my dream. But he was still alive and well at that time. I spent most of the 25 years of my life with him and I loved him immensely. In the dream, I just “knew” that he was no more. I was casually entering the house when his spirit appears in front of me and startles me.

He says, “Don’t tell your grandmother that I’m gone, because she’ll be sad.”

My inference: In the dream, he was still lurking around in spirit form only visible to my grandmother and she had no idea that he was actually gone as he didn’t want to make her sad. Cute?

When I woke up I was very confused. He was still alive and in good health. How could have I seen his spirit? Did I see his future? I have extremely vivid dreams all the time but this one was something else. Immediately, I opened my diary after ages and made an entry describing the dream. Then I forgot about it because no one wants to remember such a thing.

Fast forward to next year, I was 2000km away from him, in Bangalore, for higher studies. My mom told me about his deteriorating health on the phone. I felt so bad that I could do nothing except praying for him. One day, I had this urgency to see him. I took a leave from college and left for home on the next flight. I spent the whole next day with him just sitting by his side. He had lost his hearing by then. I talked to him by sending SMS messages. So that he would anticipate them and read them when I leave as well. He knew I had come only to see him and he knew why.

I still remember the scene when I left for Bangalore that day, he didn’t bother to say goodbye because he was busy in something else. But I knew inside, this was the last time I was seeing him alive. I kept standing until he noticed and then he called me to sit close to him. He patted my head and said goodbye with his eyes. He wasn’t also speaking anymore, now that he couldn’t hear. At that moment, he just knew that I knew. It was so hard to turn around and leave. I left with a hard lump in my throat.

A month later, I was on a trip to Kerela when he slipped into a coma. My family didn’t tell me because they didn’t want to make me sad on a trip. But somehow, I just knew. My heart was filled with grief and it soon overflowed. I burst into tears with a feeling that I never had before. The feeling of someone so close to me, passing. I’m sure, he was there with me in Kerela. My friends were perplexed but I told them that he was saying goodbye. I didn’t call my family out of fear of hearing the bad news. The next morning, I saw the message in the family group. I had a good cry. Immediately I opened my diary and saw my entry from the last year. It was just 4 days before the same day, only a year ago. I don’t feel bad about knowing it all this while. I felt bad for not being there for him. Apart from this, I also had a lot of questions including the reason this was shown to me.

  • August 2017:

Looking for reasons, I often started going on long walks in the Bangalore city. By this time, I had also seen a few of my past lives in highly detailed dreams. The brainwaves had their effect and my mind was already opening for stuff from the other worlds. On top of that, Daddy was blessing me with this knowledge from "beyond”.

I used to take a cab to a particular place and then spend the entire day just walking around. While on one such walk, I had a strong desire to have a tattoo. I went to a tattoo parlor nearby. I waited for my turn and got my tattoo done the same day. As I finished, I noticed there was a Sikh person getting tattooed in the same room as mine. Since I am a Punjabi too I thought of initiating a conversation but then dropped the plan because I'm an introvert and just thought about going home.

To my surprise, that guy came up to me to talk. He started with an introduction but went on to describe my whole life in the next two minutes! I was stunned.

He followed, “You feel so alone because people always come and go. All the people you love just go and you’re left alone. You recently lost someone very dear. You love unconditionally but either it is not reciprocated or they move away or die. You were very sick before. Now you're gaining your health back. You have always had weird experiences but right now they're really flaring up. You go on these long walks thinking “why?”, looking for answers.”

I was clearly uncomfortable by then.

“Don’t worry, I’m not stalking you. I'm not even from here, I'm from Australia. I know everything you're thinking right now because I’m a mind-reader. I've done my sadhana.”

Then I thought he wants money for a reading.

I said, “No thanks, I’ll just go.”

“Please don’t worry I’m not going to ask for money. I do this to help people, to collect good karma.”

To be honest, I was petrified. I didn't ask for this.

Then he told me something that I remember to this date,

“Don’t worry. You don’t need to carry this heavy baggage of all your problems and walk around. God is with you. You will meet the love of your life very soon. Then you’ll have all the happiness you want.”

All of this was okay but he also told me not to tell anyone about him (and here I am writing about it on the internet.). I got really scared.

“I know you’re dead scared of me right now. Here, take my number and call me whenever you’re ready to listen.”

I took his number and left but never called him. Not even after actually meeting “the love of my life” a month later.

  • December 2017:

I had applied to Amarantos before but I wasn’t selected. That’s because it wasn’t the right time. I wasn’t ready. I neither had spiritual knowledge nor was I free from college (this rhymed!).

But this time, my cover letter had “spiritual weight” and my formal education was complete. I was amongst the 17 people who were selected out of about 500 people who had applied. Backed by the knowledge relayed to me by Daddy, I was standing amongst very unique spiritual seekers. We’re still a close-knit spiritual family and share our lives with each other every day.