Learn Reiki Healing in Mississauga
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Healing with Reiki energy is a lifestyle...
Learn Reiki healing to dramatically improve your life in all aspects, besides physical health.
For information on Reiki healing classes, read below.

Reiki Classes
Reiki/Chi/Ki/Prana Shakti is a Universal Life Force Energy that permeates every particle of existence. In living beings, it flows in a certain pattern that makes up our subtle energy systems of Chakras, Meridians & Aura.
Blockages or hindrances in the streamlined flow of this energy may result in ailments of various kinds. It does not just affect our physical body & health but also our finances, our relationships & overall well being.
Some benefits of Reiki include(variable):
Physical benefits:
Improved overall well being
Physical pain relief
Muscle Relaxation
Improved sleep
Increased immunity/resistance to infection
More energy
Faster healing of wounds
Readjustment of skeletal system (this one was a complete surprise and unbelievable but it happened)
Adhesions in joints get released
Relief in chronic problems like Asthma, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Hypertension, Digestive issues, Hay fever, other allergies, etc.
Relief in psychosomatic diseases
Improves body’s self-healing abilities
Detoxification, excretion of free radicals
Slowed ageing
Mental benefits:
Stress relief
Anxiety relief
Improved mental clarity
Improved learning
Improved Channeling of creativity
Great help in dealing with substance abuse
Emotional benefits:
Emotional purging, followed by calmness
Increased feeling of happiness and contentment
Increased feeling of gratitude
Relief from guilt, grief, jealousy, anger, etc.
Spiritual benefits:
Improved meditation practice
Channel spiritual knowledge
Improved spiritual understanding
Increased intuition
Balance chakras
Boost your Manifestation work
Remove negative energies from your food, home and surroundings
Keep yourself protected from negativity while traveling, at work or life in general.
Work with Angels, guides, deities and other higher beings.
Boost your prayers/any spiritual work.
Attract the best possible outcomes/navigate life more easily with spiritual guidance that comes automatically.
Helps with spirit attachments.
Can do cord cutting & uprooting with Reiki
Heal your past (Past lives, Past from the present life).
Send positive energy to the future events (like interviews, exams)
Learning Reiki & practicing it is a Life-changing decision. You can read my detailed blog about Reiki here.
Levels in Reiki Learning:
Reiki is taught at 3 levels/Degrees in Dr. Usui's tradition.

Level 1/First Degree Reiki – $290, 2 days class.
You will be attuned to the Reiki flow.
Basic knowledge of Reiki will be taught.
The process of healing is taught including self-protection, hands-on healing another person and self-healing.
You will be conducting self-healing for at least the first 21 days continuously.
You can help heal yourself and others with Level 1.
A level 1 certificate will be awarded.
Level 2 – $440, 2 days class.
You will be attuned to the 3 sacred symbols in this level.
After Level 2, you will be trained to perform distance healing, healing across time, healing past lives, healing several people at once, psychic surgery, cord cutting, and chakra balancing with symbols. Depending upon your dominant psychic abilities, the experience may vary.
You will learn about Reiki healing in-depth.
You will practice the symbols to ensure you understand them.
A level 2 certificate will be awarded.
Level 3 – $900, 3-4 days class.
Some Masters teach level 3 and teacher level (3b or level 4) separately.
I provide the teacher training along with level 3 itself.
You will be attuned to the Master symbol that enables you to further attune other people.
You will be taught how to attune other people.
All 3 levels are deeply discussed from the point of view of a teacher.
Business development aspects of a Reiki healing practice will be taught.
You will be then tested and asked to perform the attunements on other students or the Master him/herself.
A Master level certificate will be awarded along with your lineage chart showing you in the Dr. Usui lineage.