Past Life Regression Therapy - Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Rio Kashyap

10/22/20211 min read

Q: Are you fully trained in Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy?

  • Yes, I (Rio Kashyap) have been fully trained in Past Life Regression Therapy since December 2017, at Amarantos, Bengaluru, India. (

Q: Will I remember the regression?

  • Yes, you will remember everything as I guide you through the journey. You will be aware throughout and in a deeply relaxed state. You’ll be answering my questions as I guide you through the journey.

Q: What will I encounter during the sessions?

  • Every person is different, our journeys, objectives, and karma are different so every session is unique in its own way. You might encounter memories from your present life, your childhood, your past lives that are significant to you now, lives between lives, your spiritual guides, heightened emotions, images, or sounds, white light, or even imaginary scenarios.

  • Every bit of information we receive from your subconscious mind is important.

Q: Is it guaranteed that I’ll see my past lives?

  • Not everyone is guaranteed to.

  • When people are not accustomed to getting into extremely relaxed states, or following instructions, it creates difficulty in going into the deep meditative states.

  • Your conscious and subconscious fears can also block this.

  • We tend to find that around 90% of clients do have one or more past life experiences in these sessions.

  • Sometimes when an individual has a firm belief that past lives don’t exist then it can create a block that doesn’t allow their mind to surrender to the experience.

  • One needs to approach this with curiosity, an open mind, relaxation practice, and surrender.

  • One important thing to remember here is that you are an equal participant in this therapy.

  • Also, please complete the 20-day meditation or more, pre-requisite to increase the chances of accessing your past lives.

Q: Can I choose what past life to remember?

  • No. We can set a theme that we want to explore. But your subconscious mind, your higher self and the higher energies associated with you will make the decision of which life to show & what information from those lives is given to you.

  • You will only remember various past life memories that you are ready to experience.

  • Most of us have had many past lives, but it’s your subconscious mind that will choose which ones to visit during your regression.

Q: Is the process safe?

  • Yes, you will be safe throughout the process. It is just a very deep meditation. I do not take on cases that are beyond my scope.

Q: How long does a Past Life Regression session take?

  • There will be around one hour of pre-talk before the first session.

  • The session starts with hypnotic induction and relaxation that takes close to 1.5 hours.

  • The regression itself generally lasts around 1 to 2 hours and this is followed by a discussion about your experience.

  • In essence, the length of the session will be determined by what unfolds. Every session is unique.

  • On average it takes around 3 hours. Please take aside 4-5 hours of your day for this, keeping in mind your commute as well, if you’re coming in-person.

  • Please block 2 consecutive days for the first 2 sessions.

Q: Does my session have to be face to face, or can it be online?

  • It can be done either way. Online Zoom sessions are equally effective. You will be in your own comfortable space and it makes the sessions much more effective.

  • An in-person session offers much more reliability as there can be network issues sometimes.

For more information, visit "What is Past Life Regression Therapy?"

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