What is Past Life Regression Therapy?
Explaining what Past Life Regression Therapy is and some of its benefits. Link to a case study included.
What is Past Life Regression Therapy?

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Past Life Regression Therapy is a form of hypnotherapy that aims to help individuals access and explore the memories of their past lives.
Past lives may hold the key to healing unresolved issues and traumas that are impacting an individual's current life.
The human soul is immortal and carries with it the experiences and lessons learned from previous incarnations. By exploring these past lives, individuals may gain a greater understanding of their present circumstances and challenges, as well as a sense of personal growth and development.
During a past life regression therapy session, the individual is guided into a state of deep relaxation through hypnosis. The therapist then guides the individual to access their childhood from present life or past lives and explore the memories and experiences from those times. By revisiting and resolving any unresolved issues or traumas from the past, individuals often gain a sense of closure and healing.
There are a number of potential benefits to past life regression therapy, including:
Improved self-awareness:
By exploring past lives, individuals may gain a deeper understanding of their own patterns, behaviors, and motivations, which can help them make more informed choices in their present life.
Increased self-acceptance:
Past life regression therapy can help individuals understand and accept their flaws and imperfections, leading to greater self-acceptance and self-compassion.
Increased sense of purpose:
By exploring past lives and the lessons learned from them, individuals may gain a greater sense of purpose and direction in their present lives.
Relief from physical and emotional symptoms:
Some individuals may experience physical and emotional symptoms as a result of unresolved issues or traumas from past lives. Past life regression therapy can help to purge these heavy emotions and thus alleviate physical symptoms caused by them.
Improved relationships:
By resolving past life issues, individuals may be better able to understand and improve their relationships in their present lives.
Stress, anxiety, and insomnia relief:
Because you enter very deep states of meditation, it helps calm the mind to lower brainwaves which is very relaxing and has medium-term effects. After the session, I also suggest meditations and practices for you to continue reaping benefits for long-term even after the sessions are over.
Experiencing transcendental states of mind:
During past life regression, individuals are guided to experience very deep states of meditation where they can experience one-ness, timelessness, and unconditional love. They may experience how they are an infinite soul, not just a human being. This often causes deep healing and transformation.
It is important to note that past life regression therapy is not a substitute for traditional medical treatment and should not be used in place of seeking professional medical care. It is also important to work with a trained and qualified individual when undergoing past life regression therapy.
Past life regression therapy can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing, helping individuals to understand and resolve issues from their past and live more fulfilling lives in the present.
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