Myths About Reiki – Debunked

"Debunking" or explaining some of the misconceptions I have come across, about Reiki Healing. Clearing some myths about Reiki healing.

4/18/20194 min read

person's hands glowing
person's hands glowing

Common Myths About Reiki – Debunked

There are some myths about Reiki healing some of which are deeply ingrained and stem from some fraudulent practices in the name of spiritual healing. People don’t know much and usually arrive in the studio with doubts. One must clear them before starting with treatment or teaching so that they can make an informed choice. Before reading this article I suggest you read THIS (What is Reiki?) first.

Here Are Some Common Myths About Reiki And Facts Clearing Them:
  • Myth: Reiki Is Demonic And Involves Dialogue With Demonic Or Spiritual Entities.

    • Fact: Reiki healing is nowhere associated with anything negative. It is a pure spiritual healing art. Some practitioners have a dialogue/guidance from higher spiritual entities (positive) but not all of them. It depends on one’s spiritual development and is definitely never negative. The higher beings might be the ascended grandmasters, masters, guardian angels, spiritual guides, etc., related to the practitioner or the client. This interaction is not compulsory and not necessary to practice Reiki. Also, one should not pursue Reiki only in expectation of such an interaction.

  • Myth: Giving Reiki Depletes Your Own Energy.

    • Fact: A Reiki practitioner is only a channel for the flow of Reiki. Giving a Reiki treatment doesn’t deplete your own energy in any way. You’re only a medium. The healing is done by Reiki energy.

    • Some people might feel that they are using up their own energy and there are reasons for that. They might be attaching themselves to the outcome of healing of the client, or they might be thinking that it is them who are doing the healing. In these cases, you are using your own energy and that is why, it is important to touch base with your teacher to better understand how to avoid this. Detachment from outcome and only being a good channel for Reiki is highly necessary here.

  • Myth: You Will Take Other People’s Diseases And Problems On Yourself.

    • Fact: This myth has arisen from people who saw revered saints and healers heal other people and becoming sick themselves, believing that they have taken the disease on themselves, which was the truth many times. But Reiki doesn’t involve anything like this. Since you’re only a medium for healing, not the actual healer here.

    • Reiki practitioners need to have protective measures in place all the time. It is a part of maintaining our spiritual hygiene, just like maintaining our dental hygiene. If you do that regularly, you will stay clear.

  • Myth: Reiki Is A Religious Practice.

    • Fact: Reiki doesn’t belong to any religion. The healing energy is universal. Your religion doesn’t matter for you to either be a Reiki healer or to get healed.

  • Myth: Reiki Works As A Placebo.

    • Fact: For a placebo to work, one should believe that it works. But for Reiki to work, you don’t even need to believe in it. It’ll still work. Although, just like any other medicine, it works stronger If you do.

    • Reiki energy is an actual energy that exists and flows. There is not scientific instrument that can measure it, at this time. But it can be felt and its effects measured in indirect ways. Read this article to know more.

  • Myth: Reiki Is Massage Therapy.

    • Facts: Reiki doesn’t involve any kind of massage. Although, massage therapists can choose to integrate Reiki in their practice. They should make it clear and inform the client if they do.

    • It only involves laying on of hands on specific positions on the body and not massaging.

    • Some practitioners choose to hover their hands over the specified positions instead of touching, which is equally effective. The clothing is kept on.

  • Myth: Only One Session Is Enough.

    • Facts: Although very few people might get healed in the very first session, this is not a common occurrence.

    • Reiki causes the release of negative energy in the first 24 hours during and after the session. It can happen in any form- mental, physical, spiritual or emotional. The client may feel sicker than before, may have negative emotions like sadness, crying, anger, etc. Sometimes, the client may even vomit, have flu-like symptoms, or have excessive sweating. It’s all a part of the release. The client should be informed about this and a second session should follow. Sometimes 3-4 sessions are required until the client feels alright.

    • Healing is an ongoing process. Clients may require more sessions even after a gap of few months.

    • Once the immediate issues are resolved, it is advised to take Reiki sessions every year. Once again, it is like going to the dentist every year or 6 months.

  • Myth: Reiki Should Be Free Since It Is Universal Energy.

    • Facts: No doubt, the Reiki energy is free. But to practice it, we need to learn how to use it for healing others and everything that comes with it, and to make sure that everything is taken care of, for the clients. You pay for the service, resources being used, knowledge, time, dedication, effort, and to enable the practitioner to keep doing this work sustainably, just like you pay the doctor.

    • Whenever you interact with someone, energy exchange takes place, whether positive or negative. A karmic cord is formed and it needs to be balanced as long as you don’t want any further association with that person in the future lives.

    • When a doctor treats a patient, the patient pays the fee for the service provided. Money is also energy. Thus the energy is balanced and the patient is no longer “officially” indebted towards the doctor.

    • Practicing Reiki without taking anything in return is violating the very principles of Reiki. The energy exchange has to be there in any form that the practitioner and the "market" considers to be a fair exchange.

Click the links to know more about Reiki treatments and Reiki classes I offer.